k3 media magAVine online publication

Audiophonic Musics

There exist many schools of thought concerning the correct and uncorrected way to present both live and virtual audio to the unsuspected music lover. If I inadvertently fall into any behavioural camp, and I have been accused of this, I would say that I veer towards the post-modern persuasion of neo-aural-expressionism in which the musical protagonists favour gut instinct over mere-cat-like technique. Simples. Of course the presentation and indeed reception of any audio product will be analysed by the listener, who in the unwitting act of opening the ears becomes responsible for any condition or reaction resulting from the product. It is with great pleasure that I commend these alive musics and audios to your sensibilities, where they exist…

Music is a fickle muse,
Who plays upon your passions.
It makes your ears a note to choose.
Then cuts down on your rations.

Love be a table (Yes sir!)
Love be a ladle (Yes sir-ee!)
Love be a bowl! (Made of wood!)
Love guacamol-e. (Tastes so good)
Love be a stick in a hole
Love be a long-nose troll

Music has the sweetest charm,
That lures you closer still.
It promises to do no harm.
Then moves in for the kill.

Love be a table (Yes sir!)
Love be a ladle (Yes sir-ee!)
Love be a bowl! (Made of wood!)
Love guacamol-e. (Tastes so good)
Love be a stick in a hole
Love be a long-nose troll, under a bridge
Love be a long-nose troll.

About the author

Montague Bassoon
Montague Bassoon is an old school literature freaque. His considerable writings have been both set to music and set on fire on an international minor scale.