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The Sermon In The Pit

From the Gospel according to Eric

Chapter 13 versus Mothra

And smelling the throng,
He went down into a pit:
And when he was drunk,
His backing group came unto him:
And he opened his gob, and gave them what for, belching

Cursed are the rich in bonuses: for theirs is a time-share in Hades.
Cursed are they that gloat: for they shall be found out.
Cursed are the brazen: for they shall pick up the bill.
Cursed are they that do pig out and swill at the trough: for they shall be filleted.
Cursed are the judgmental for they shall be judged.
Cursed are the greedy at heart: for they shall get theirs.
Cursed are the arms dealers: for they shall be called the sons of bitches.
Cursed are they, which are praised for profit’s sake: for theirs is a time-share in Hades.
Cursed are ye, well men shall reward you, and elevate you, and shall say all manner of flannel right up you, for high stakes.
Look out, and be exceeding wary: for great is your comeuppance in the not too distant: for so caught they the greedy bastards which were before you.

And much rejoicing was there verily and all.

Translated from the Ancient Greek into complete gibberish by Professor Vernon B Kreplach (A.C.M.)

About the author

Professor Vernon B Kreplach
Professor Vernon B Kreplach is a world authority on the Belgian Art Movement, Surrealist Economics and other matters poultry, despite this he still holds positions in several academic institutions of no real repute.